Monday 15 June 2009

WC: Emulation of the unix command

This is curious, joke. It is attempt to emulate the unix-commad wc. Do not consider this as fully featured application. It has essential shortcomings - slower than analogs and it gives great mistakes when counting the number of words. This is related with features of processing of special characters when passing them as arguments.
@echo off

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
setlocal enableextensions

set wwc_debug=

set wwc_byte=
set wwc_line=
set wwc_word=
set wwc_args=

for %%a in ( %* ) do (
    if /i "%%~a" == "/?" (
        call :get_help
        goto end_script

    if /i "%%~a" == "/d" (
        set wwc_debug=0
    ) else (
    if /i "%%~a" == "/c" (
        set wwc_byte=0
    ) else (
    if /i "%%~a" == "/l" (
        set wwc_line=0
    ) else (
    if /i "%%~a" == "/w" (
        set wwc_word=0
    ) else (
        set wwc_args=!wwc_args! "%%~a"

if not defined wwc_byte if not defined wwc_line if not defined wwc_word (
    set wwc_byte=0
    set wwc_line=0
    set wwc_word=0

set wwc_t_byte=0
set wwc_t_line=0
set wwc_t_word=0
set wwc_t=0
for %%a in ( !wwc_args! ) do (
    if defined wwc_debug (
        echo [!DATE: =0! !TIME: =0!] Setting next file: "%%~a">&2

    set /a wwc_t+=1

    set wwc_text=

    if defined wwc_line (
        call :count_lines_and_words "%%~a"

        set /a wwc_t_line+=!wwc_1_line!

        call :adjust_right !wwc_1_line!
        set wwc_1_line=!wwc_result!

        set wwc_text=!wwc_1_line!

    if defined wwc_word (
        if not defined wwc_line (
            call :count_lines_and_words "%%~a"

        set /a wwc_t_word+=!wwc_1_word!

        call :adjust_right !wwc_1_word!
        set wwc_1_word=!wwc_result!

        set wwc_text=!wwc_text! !wwc_1_word!

    if defined wwc_byte (
        set wwc_1_byte=%%~za

        set /a wwc_t_byte+=!wwc_1_byte!

        call :adjust_right !wwc_1_byte!
        set wwc_1_byte=!wwc_result!

        set wwc_text=!wwc_text! !wwc_1_byte!

    echo !wwc_text! %%~a

if !wwc_t! gtr 1 (
    set wwc_text=

    if defined wwc_line (
        call :adjust_right !wwc_t_line!
        set wwc_t_line=!wwc_result!

        set wwc_text=!wwc_t_line!

    if defined wwc_word (
        call :adjust_right !wwc_t_word!
        set wwc_t_word=!wwc_result!

        set wwc_text=!wwc_text! !wwc_t_word!

    if defined wwc_byte (
        call :adjust_right !wwc_t_byte!
        set wwc_t_byte=!wwc_result!

        set wwc_text=!wwc_text! !wwc_t_byte!

    echo !wwc_text! total

goto :EOF

set wwc_1_line=0
set wwc_1_word=0

for /f "delims=[] tokens=1,*" %%b in ( 'find /n /v "" "%~1"' ) do (
    set /a wwc_1_line+=1

    call :count_words %%~c

set /a wwc_t_line+=!wwc_1_line!
goto :EOF

if "%~1" == "" goto :EOF
    if defined wwc_debug echo.%1>&2
    set /a wwc_1_word+=1
goto count_words
goto :EOF

rem The value should be adjusted to the right side within the field width of 7 characters
set wwc_result=       %~1
set wwc_result=!wwc_result:~-7!
goto :EOF

echo Usage:
echo     %~n0 [OPTION]... [FILE]...
echo Print line, word, and byte counts for each FILE, and
echo a total line if more than one FILE is specified.
echo     /C       print the byte counts
echo     /L       print the line counts
echo     /W       print the word counts
goto :EOF

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